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Monday, December 10, 2007


I touched on this subject in an earlier post "Footprints in the Sand - Footprints We Leave Behind" where I give a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer in which he says,

“You’re not what you have”, “You’re not what you do,” and “You’re not what people think of you.”
This may leave you a little perplexed because it appears that this is all of what our culture is about. It’s only what gets the most attention. Yet, in your mind if you take away these things, what remains? That is the key question and I think it’s worth reflecting on. I’ve been thinking about this in my life and what if….what if… I no longer had my home and all that we own; what if I no longer had my work (not quite sure what that is at the moment but I’m feeling good at what I’m doing with writing these posts); and what if opinions of who I am by friends and family and acquaintances changed? Would I change with who I am? Where would I be or what would be left?

I’ve mentioned in earlier posts about a book I’m reading by Richard Bode entitled, Beachcombing at Miramar: The Quest for an Authentic Life. He left everything – family, home, job – in search of himself. Does it take stripping away all the distractions - possessions, labels, expectations - before you can come to terms with who we really are? Does it take this extreme measure to realize our worth and place in the universe? The thought of this can be terrifying and yet liberating. Richard Bode says,

“I went to all those places and I did all those things, and I don’t regret a moment, for each experience contributed mightily to the sum of who I am and what I know. But the day came when my children were no longer children and had moved into lives of their own, and I knew the hour had also come for me to move on to a place in life I had never been before.”

In A Course of Miracles (a complete spiritual thought self-study that teaches the way to remember God), it asks, “Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God (T-11, II.7, pg 198).” When we look at these questions, we’re fearful of what we find. I know it seems like I’m asking more questions than really saying anything. It’s because these are some things I’ve been asking myself and the answers are hard. It pulls together a lot of what I’ve been writing about in the past two weeks – trust, footprints we leave behind, family. And, I think in order to go deeper we need to contemplate and ask the “what if’s”. Are we playing the game and doing the dance well or have we stopped and really looked at our lives to see what is genuine and real? This doesn’t mean the only way you can arrive at these answers is by leaving everything behind and live on a deserted island. But, we can start right where we’re at and look around at our lives and take inventory. Are we living out of fear – hostage to the ego? From A Course in Miracles, Dr. Wayne Dyer has also quoted something that goes like this, “If you knew who walks beside you on this path you have chosen you would never be fearful again.”

I want to get serious about who I am and what I’m doing with my life and let that shine. I want to trust that invisible force that is with me on this path and not be fearful. What about you? Can you ask the questions and risk hearing the answers to open your life to a wonderful new chapter?

From the kitchen table - Pat
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