“Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (The Holy Bible KJV- Heb 13:2)
There is a beautiful little publication called,
Angels on Earth (click to read the weekly feature) that is a collection of stories of people from all over the world that have had life changing experiences entertaining strangers - angels. Have you had a situation in your life when you were in great need and someone showed up at the right place and the right time to help? I have and I thought I would share this story with you, especially at this holiday season.
(Photo by Dez Pain at
It was a little over 30 years ago and a friend of mine and I went to the grocery

store. At the time, our children were small. I had my baby, Stephanie, and 2-year old, Allison, with us and we got an empty grocery cart. I put Allison in the cart facing me with her legs through the top and held Stephanie, as we headed out to start our shopping. My friend and I stopped at the end of one of the aisles to look at a spiral book rack - still without groceries. As we looked at the books, my daughter got restless and started to climb out of the grocery cart. I didn’t notice her but someone else did. Because the cart was empty, it started to lift up and come over as she tried to climb out. A man came running in between me and the cart and caught her just 2 inches from the concrete floor. He was a young man with a child in his grocery cart and it all happened so fast with her only a foot away from me. He set her down on her feet and handed her to me and
never said a word. Our eyes met and I felt as if our souls knew each other. As I recovered and checked on Allison to be sure she was okay, I looked up to thank him but he was gone. We hurried through the store to catch him to express our heartfelt gratitude but he was no where to be found. That day, I met Allison’s angel and she’Fs jokes that she’s kept him busy throughout her life but we know he’s there with love and compassion looking out for her.
They’re there in all forms whether it’s a young man with a little boy or an animal or bird. God is looking out for us and it’s comforting. Be on the look out. You never know when you will have entertained a stranger – your angel.
From the kitchen table - Pat*************************************
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