content='index,follow' name='robots'/> Plain Talk and Ordinary Wisdom: March – National Women’s History Month: In Honor of Women

Monday, March 31, 2008

March – National Women’s History Month: In Honor of Women

March is National Women’s History Month and before this month is complete I wanted to pause to honor a few women who have gone before us and paved the way for what we have the privilege of enjoying today. I am only mentioning a few and you can go to Women in History – Historical Figures for a more comprehensive list of historical women. (Note: please see video below)

Susan Brownell Anthony – paved the way in the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920 giving women the right to vote. It’s amazing what this woman accomplished in her life in a time when her freedom was limited. She was an icon in her era that changed the course of history for women forever in her writing, giving hundreds of speeches a year over a period of 45 years and leading the only non-violent revolution, to name a few.

Clara Barton – founder of the Red Cross and Civil War Nurse. Just imagine all the people who have been helped through her efforts in establishing this organization. In the latter 1800’s she rallied to have the U.S join in signing a treaty to establish the work of the Red Cross having observed its service in Europe and the U.S. signed the Geneva Agreement in 1882. She expanded this service to not only include victims of war but to also include the assistance in any great national disasters.

There have also been many women in modern times and today’s culture who have contributed much to society in the world as we know it. To mention a few such as:

Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis – First Lady of the United States with President John F Kennedy, an author, poet, lover of art, American History and a restorer of the White House.

Most notable and among us today is Oprah Winfrey – reporter/anchor, entrepreneur, global media leader, actor, philanthropist among her accomplishments. Oprah is making history today not only in what she has achieved but in the spiritual movement as well.

This brings me to another woman, Aquanetta Gordon, whose story I came across this week on the internet. She may not be well known or as accomplished as the women just mentioned but nonetheless her personal work with what she has encouraged and inspired in her son, Ben Underwood, and those around her is in no way less incredibly outstanding and deserving of honor.

Her son was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in his eyes at toddler age and she had to make the decision for him to either continue with radiation treatment and risk his life if it progressed to the optic nerve or have his eyes removed and ensure his chances of life.

What you see below in this Video Clip #1 (of 5) is a testimony of courage and compassion displayed not only by Aquanetta but many women down through history and in our world today demonstrating and contributing along with many men to make this world a better place.

Take time today to look around and witness the women making contributions in your workplace, your homes and communities. Honor them for what they’ve done to better your life, appreciate their efforts and encourage their dreams and don’t forget to say Thank you.

From the kitchen table - Pat
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